Concern for ex-Randfichten frontman “Rups”: Holzmichal singer seriously ill! , regional

Concern for ex-Randfichten frontman "Rups": Holzmichal singer seriously ill!  ,  regional

Concerns About Ex-Randsprous Frontman “Rups” ,

Holzmichal singer seriously ill!

Breitenbrunn (Saxony) – Of great concern to the Erzgebirge star Thomas “Rupps” Unger (53, “Is Old Holzmichal Still Alive”). The former Randfichten frontman was diagnosed with the incurable neurological disease multiple sclerosis (MS).

marginal spruce

The marginal spruce “Michl”, “Rups” and “returned” (from left) in their 2004 song “Do Old Holzmichl Still Live…?” became famous with

photo: picture combine / dpa

“I’m going public with it now so that people aren’t surprised if I sit longer or accordion squeaks during my performance because I don’t hit a note correctly,” “Rupes” told BILD on Thursday .

“My right arm is permanently partially numb, with frequent burning sensations.” He often feels limp in the morning. “It’s a moderate form of MS. I take the pills in the morning and evening, which helps.” According to doctors, he could have lived for 100 years without ending up in a wheelchair. “But in MS no one can predict,” Ungar continues.

He was diagnosed with the disease two years ago. “After the swelling of the visible veins, I had an MRI and you saw many bright spots, that is, swelling, in my head,” says Holzmichal Singer.

The trigger was probably a spinal infection in 2014, “which has since been cured”. There is a reason he left the cult band Randfichten.

“Rups” to Build: “Many are bad, I also want to encourage people. Thinking positive helps in the fight against disease!” He is especially looking forward to the Christmas tour (4 concerts) with his sons Tony (25) and Kurt (17).

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