Concert triggers small earthquake in Munich

Concert triggers small earthquake in Munich

A major concert in Munich shakes the earth. But Gabalier’s performance was not as impressive as another concert in Berlin.

Large crowds – and apparently three small earthquakes – hit the Munich exhibition center on Saturday evening, as “Bild” newspaper reported on Tuesday. Seismologist Jens Skapski told the newspaper that the tremors were probably caused by gablier fans jumping.

In Munich, however, hardly anyone would have noticed: according to the newspaper, three measurement stations at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) recorded tremors with a magnitude of 0.2 on the Richter scale – around 8:10 a.m. The concert began, Gabilier was just singing “Vox – Rock’n’ Roller”.

Skapsky on “Build”: “In this case, the people of Munich could not feel it, but could feel the sensitive instruments of the measuring stations.” Others did much more, such as the Coldplay band in Berlin in July. There the needle showed a magnitude of 1.5. Compared to the newspaper, Skapsky suspected that the stagger might be due to a joint hopping action by all of Gable’s fans: “It is important that everyone hits the ground at the same time, so as much power is transferred to Earth as possible.” It happens.”

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