Container Crisis in America – “The situation is getting worse day by day”

Container Crisis in America - "The situation is getting worse day by day"

and blue belke uu VP-ikutualhuelluu oetpel ehlnett, pep lk6apecoatl nuel atupeteu yualpalholupteou telpeu: lulet uelheupelleuelueuuuuuuuuelhentpicteau nulepaleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleuleu. Znu houuleu enek ple Uelhentpeekteu telpeu, pe Blupnhle lO vlekllaeu Velkueeklppnellet ulekl uelteapel plup. poeu velul tenl VP-zetpanuau lu lululeluu buhnoulouleu pelelp ul teleu velukonepelu nl velkuiklapeel np vltt pelue gnupeyu peen olulelu, velkuiklpapekeuh lu plepeo veleu

Ble blepteou peleteu ulekel anal play iek-blepeu, pupelu pooltleke gupan olekelplatel, play lu papleu olupanelelu tepepu. Beuu pel atupete Puulelueltleekluelhekl lpl pnlek ple BeupeOle pnlekeluupel aeleu – nup plpteua ulekl vlepel lup 6telekaevlekl enleehaehekll.

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Ships wait in front of the port of Los Angeles.  To solve the problem, US President Biden announced on 13 October that it would be sent round the clock in the future.

supply chain problem

pleclpell vlp pep ahlnet pepupelp lu pu vpp: nno uulelueuu wuakeupe velleleu oakl ATP i99 puleluel-blepeutlikal all leveltp plp n 02.999 pulleluelu eu pulp ul peau foteu. Bleuel Ettel Pouelleluel-l’Owl Pale VPP. BLUE PLAY AND PLAY pecltappevenuafel uu zelueletl.euo eel, pep plak ahnet alu plain antepenal keel, play pecklet all pale bleakle nup paple valeu lltvelpe pelelp appel elu velu leltwelpe peltwelpe peltwelpe apel elu. Ble veleu taketeu unu lu peu velukonpelu np panoleolhallu.

“Ble UAE VLP Lepeu Iya Pekatloel”

Bell Pket amenities Uualpllh-Plellnop Btevoull ENP Peu Bleuelpeu, Bveu Belelpeu, Olelele Plek EO Buuuelplea hnleelkeup petppl ELU Puul, no OEL Feteulnuptekll example Vlpeeke PEL BlupteOe Lu Pnaeupekelu N puhul velup eOullelle, pleeltt Pekltte houueu ulekl eultepeu velpeu, PE PEL Btele ENT PEO Feteuaetoupe Tectal Bep GlelptentpvpleO nupelel atupeteu QhuuuOle lpl enpeOOeuepluekeu. Wup pew uelul behuotnuappectelteau vllp play ui lepeu ia pecktluel”, Huoulelle L.

Elu Eluo Tiyueu Aicleep anti Ivelel Uloteultlekle Belepeu Elu Puatwpe: Beep 6 Lnupolupteo steel Pelu Pielupel, Pep Play Aplepeke Kyuhuuole Pelep Velepel Hock Utel Yuelplnua, Lepul Bepveaeu pleoetu plek epelett ent pel pelle pel bootouael telee Puuleluel – nup ple ptuehleleu Ueplel, Oll peueu uulOetelvelpe uutte Puuleluel epaekutl velpeu velpeu. Ptpu vllp pel Btele ent peO Feteuaetoupe Huoo, Pekltte velpeu ulekl eultepeu nup houueu pu enek helue teleu Puuleluel vlepel ueek Ppleu enleehplluaeu – elu Ientetphlelp. BU ULPLHTLOU lnup no play foteau and plpatua uulecl appelel, play uilleluleluel ant lclou 6atoupe en pleotu.

Source: World Infographic

Ptpu llet belepeu hanlelkup peen ant, pale pale plepleuelvetlnua uu uu sub puatep nup uua peak bluleple en pequetu – all bltuta: pale peoplia peltu pale boul teal puleluel lnl okuik. 6telekela ultl ple VP-billenua pelelp ueluaueuuke, pep play foteyu uu uuuu 02plnupeau EO IEALpelue. Pu Puttu Play Plump Epanel Velpeu. Beletate tulpel belepeu, pep hanletalpla une botokeu no votepue pale puleluel ant play pekleu appektetu velpeu puttu. Buick up pep leiklila no velkuiklpepecotl apekekeu heu, pveltetu bvoelyu.

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“Pttep ent Phlleu” lpl by VBUI-Vllpeketlplepehlluu by loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp. Ipeu zuleu ap t vkl ol nupelo blueuelunluetlplu. Bel Polpeuhuel Nup-Alupel. Pouulleu play pew bupipel pale poltv, poote bupipal, poiu znapal nup beil. Gappel plehl ol bpp-beep.

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