Coronavirus in B.C.: Latest cases, deaths, outbreaks to be revealed by health ministry

Coronavirus in B.C.: Latest cases, deaths, outbreaks to be revealed by health ministry

Health officials announced 125 additional cases of COVID-19 in British Columbia Wednesday, but there have been no new deaths from the coronavirus in the last 24 hours.

There are now 1,284 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, a slight increase from Tuesday. That total includes 72 people who are hospitalized, 21 of whom are in intensive care.

Wednesday marks the first time hospitalizations for COVID-19 in B.C. have topped 70 since May 8. Health officials have previously said they consider hospitalizations to be a key indicator of the severity of the pandemic in the province.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and deputy health minister Stephen Brown provided Wednesday’s numbers in a written statement. Henry is expected to return for a live update on Thursday.

Since the pandemic began, there have been 9,138 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in B.C. and 234 deaths. A total of 7,591 people who have had the virus are now considered recovered.

In their statement, Henry and Brown said there have been no new outbreaks of the coronavirus recorded either in health-care facilities or in the broader community since Tuesday.

Still, community exposure events continue to happen around the province, the pair said, adding that 3,202 people are under public health monitoring as a result of their exposure to known cases.

“COVID-19 has required all of us to change how we work, go to school and spend time with friends and family,” Brown and Henry said. “This has put an emotional and mental strain on everyone. Despite this added obstacle, people across B.C. have risen to the challenge with compassion and determination to help keep our curve where we need it to be.”

The health officials encouraged British Columbians to keep up their efforts to stop the spread of the virus, urging them to support each other with acts of “small kindness.”

“While the ongoing focus is not always easy to maintain, now is the time to keep going – to continue to support and care for each other through the efforts we make,” the pair said.

Since the start of the pandemic, the vast majority of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been located in the Lower Mainland. There have been 4,658 cases confirmed in the Fraser Health region and 3,340 in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.

Elsewhere in the province, there have been 533 confirmed cases of the virus in Interior Health, 312 in Northern Health and 208 in Island Health. There have also been 87 cases recorded in B.C. among people who reside outside Canada.

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