Tuesday, March 2, 2021
“Corporate sector is running hot”
Companies moving towards 2.7 degree global warming
Companies moving towards 2.7 degree global warming
To prevent climate catastrophe, global warming must decrease by two degrees by the end of the century. One study suggests that the target will not be achieved if European companies implement their climate targets as planned.
With their current climate targets and emissions, European companies are moving towards a global warming of 2.7 degrees by the end of the century. This is the result of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which has analyzed savings targets released by companies and other data. The London-based non-profit organization uses standardized queries to collect data and targets from companies about its climate protection efforts and includes indirect emissions. The purpose of an index published annually is to provide equivalence for shareholders and the general public.
“The European corporate sector is running hot. Given current ambitions, it is on a 2.7 degree path to global warming – a degree greater than climate science believes that we can avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change “Maxfield Weiss, director of the organization,” said the executive of the organization. However, it is positive that more and more companies are preparing plans to reduce their climate-damaging emissions.
As of the present situation, 56 percent of the nearly 1000 companies investigated by the Carbon Disclosure Project have made such a strategy so far. The analysis shows that companies in Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland are still in the best position with a route below two degrees, while companies in Great Britain, Belgium and Italy heat the Earth to three degrees with their emissions . 2100.
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