Crashed through barriers: New York bus hangs down from bridge

Crashed through barriers: New York bus hangs down from bridge

Front crashed through barrier
New York bus hangs down from the bridge

The pictures are spectacular, with injuries only seemingly minor, with one exception: a bus in New York leaves its lane on a bridge and falls in front of it. Whether it was a human or a technical error is still open.

In New York City, many lucky people survived a serious bus accident. US media reports that the plane had at least seven passengers aboard when a lane bus strayed from its lane, crashed through an obstacle and fell along the front half of the Washington Bridge. According to the rescuers, the passenger was slightly injured and the bus driver was seriously injured. All were taken to hospitals.

The New York Fire Department spoke in a Tweet A total of nine were injured. He later said that eight people were injured.

The “New York Post” reports that the accident occurred at 11.10 pm local time, that is, 5.10 am Central European time. According to police, no other vehicle was involved. It checks whether the driver has run too fast through the curve or whether the brake has failed. Deputy Fire Chief Paul Hooper said the front half of the bus had fallen to 50 feet, the equivalent of 15 meters. The injuries are equivalent to falling from this height.

The Washington Bridge connects Manhattan to the New York Borough of the Bronx. There is another road under the bridge, called University Avenue in the Bronx. Pictures and videos show how the nose of the bus touched the road while the back half was on the bridge.

The New York Fire Department announced that they had secured the bus. The intersection at Washington Bridge has been closed, it is said. The bus will be dispatched soon.

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