Crores of funding for rural areas in Saarland
In the funding period coming from 2023 to 2027, Saarland will receive approximately 56 million euros from the European Funding Pot for Agriculture and Rural Areas (EAFRD). Environment Minister Reinhold Jost (SPD) said on Tuesday that it is more than double the last annual tranche and goes back to the successes of talks at agriculture ministerial conferences. With federal and state funds, this means a total budget of 131 million euros.
In the funding period coming from 2023 to 2027, Saarland will receive approximately 56 million euros from the European Funding Pot for Agriculture and Rural Areas (EAFRD). Environment Minister Reinhold Jost (SPD) said on Tuesday that it is more than double the last annual tranche and goes back to the successes of talks at agriculture ministerial conferences. With federal and state funds, this means a total budget of 131 million euros.
“There has never been as much money available for rural areas in the Saarland in the years to come,” Jost said. “Now we have a chance to implement what we have been doing for decades on an equal footing with other regions in Germany.”
Among other things, the money is to be used to invest in villages, local infrastructure and region-wide regional development. The expansion of organic farming is also to be given a further boost – up to 25 per cent by 2025. 45 percent is to be used for so-called “green measures”, such as the cultivation of flowering plants for energy production as an alternative to maize cultivation. To be more independent of imported soy, financial incentives should promote the cultivation of protein crops.
Jost said: «The Saarland rural area has a future with us. This is not something old-fashioned, but something that will experience a new upsurge in the years to come.”