Curious Aldi product makes people laugh online

Curious Aldi product makes people laugh online
One particularly unusual baking creation is celebrating its return to Aldi Nord.

One particularly unusual baking creation is celebrating its return to Aldi Nord.Image: Photo Booth / Photo Booth / Van der Velden

Once again you can’t decide whether you prefer a pizza, tart flambée or donut for dinner? for such difficult situations Aldi Answer Now Solution: Den “Pizza Donut Tarte Flambe”.

Behind it is a pizza dough in the round shape of a donut, topped like a tart flambée. — namely with sour cream, chopped bacon and onions. According to the advertising brochure, the unusual product will be sold for 99 cents starting November 5.

Politicians scoff at unusual baked goods

The curious creation won’t be available in the discounter’s bakery department until Friday, but the product should already be familiar to real Aldi fans: Pizza Donut Tarte Flambie was introduced for a short time in February and August.

back then he had SPD Politician Timo Volken Dedicated His Own Tweet to Pizza Donut Tarte Flambi And speculated about other new creations: “What will Aldi have on offer soon! Diesel gasoline electric cars? Wine, beer, schnapps bottles? Chips, flips, crackers bags? Netflix heroine Disney+ abos?”

In addition to the derision, the hybrid also generated a lot of interest: “That’s a cool idea. Someone finally brings some air to the landscape. I’ll definitely get away with it,” wrote one Twitter user under Volken’s post .

Another user clearly wasn’t in the mood for boring rolls and pretzels: “As absurd as that sounds, I could well have had this for breakfast Work Introduction”.

Potato Donor Sausage and Leberkas Pretzels

Aldi Nord isn’t alone with weird food combinations: rave For example, “Potato Donner Bratwurst” has been selling since September and Penny caused a stir in May with “Bavarian Leberkas Breslen.”

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And also Dr. Oetker’s creativity knows no bounds. For a long time, the food company had a “pizza burger” and a curious “chocolate pizza”.


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