Dance Show: Let’s Dance-Off for Senna Gamour – Entertainment

Für ihren Auftritt erhielt Sängerin Senna Gammour von der Jury 16 von 30 möglichen Punkten. Foto: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa Foto: dpa

All other candidates can learn from Gilleson how to do a dance: “It was a prime example of what it should look like for them,” said Zuar. Giselson and Lusine got the full points – with a pair that had managed only twice in all of the last 13 seasons.

This enabled the footballer to beat actress Valentina Pahde (26) again. A week earlier, Pahde had scored 30 points as the season leader – on Friday evening, however, he lacked a bit of consistency in the jury’s eyes. He got 22 points for Rumba.

Along with Jan Hofer, who danced with professional dancer Christina Luft (30), the judges again found little improvement. Llamby noticed that he would have liked a bit more aggression in Hofer’s tango. “It was like this: I will take care of my daughter now that nothing happens, and I am very good for her. I would expect a little more action for Tango.”

Although Hofer’s ratings rose slightly by 12 points for the first time, he finished last in the rankings. He will return to the TV show next week only because of viewers’ favor.

Ex- “Prince Charming” Nicholas Puschman (29) danced himself in second place with Vadim Gurbuzov. The slow fox for “Enter Sandman” by Metallica gave the duet the “I loved it!” Rated by Motsi Mabuse and awarded 28 points. Moderator Victoria Swarovski then spoke to Puschman about her partner Lars Tonsefurborn. “He’s probably too proud,” Puschman said with tears in his eyes. “I know he’s watching and: I love you!”

READ  Renata and Valentin miss their anniversary due to "Let's dance"

Puschman and Tonsfarborne fell in love while filming the first season of the gay dating show “Prince Charming” in 2019. After breaking up until last November, they announced in late January that they were back together.

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