Dance »Sofaget«: Mario Draghi Bezichnet Recep Tayyip Erdogan Al »Dictator«

Dance »Sofaget«: Mario Draghi Bezichnet Recep Tayyip Erdogan Al »Dictator«

Prime Minister of Italy Mario drew Has called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoआनan a “dictator”. Dhani sharply criticized the way he dealt with the chairman of the European Union Commission Ursula von der Leyen when you visit Ankara. “It was the behavior that I really disliked because of the insult that the EU Commission Chairman von der Leyen had to endure,” Pulley said.

You have to speak a clear language with “in, let’s call them (…) dictators” and express differences in views about society. But they should also be ready to support them in the interests of the country. The former chairman of the European Central Bank (ECB) said, the right balance is needed.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlat Foreignavuşoğlu Condemned at Twitter Drew tongue. Çavuşoğlu described it as “unacceptable, populist rhetoric”, it was “ugly and nonsensical remarks about our elected president,” he wrote. As reported by the state agency Anadolu, the Italian ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry.

»Sofaget« Causes a stir

The so-called sofagate case Has warmed the mind for days. The incident led to widespread criticism and accusations of misrepresentation against the Turkish government.

One video showed how the head of the commission initially stood at the beginning of the meeting with Erdoआनan in Ankara on Tuesday and reacted with an “um” when Erdoआनan and EU Council President Charles Michel next to each other The two sat on the standing armchairs. Like Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlat Avussoolu, von der Leyen had to sit on the couch.

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Çavuşoğlu said on Thursday that the seating arrangement was set “according to the EU proposal”. Criticize Turkey He described it as “inappropriate”. Conservatives and social democrats form the largest political groups European Parliament Demanded clarification about the incident and called for a full session with von der Leyen and Michel.

Mitchell said on Wednesday that the situation was due to “strict interpretation of protocol rules by Turkish services”. This led to “scant treatment” of the head of the commission, for which he was remorseful. Former European Union Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker He previously reported that he was sometimes considered “number two” behind the chairman of the council on foreign travel. “It was clear to everyone that from a protocol perspective, the president of the council is number one,” as he told the online magazine “Polico”.

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