The leading German index has already hit new record highs this year.
(Photo: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M])
Düsseldorf NS dex The 15,800 mark was broken on Monday for the first time since the beginning of September. As a result, the major index fluctuated around this level and eventually settled at 15,806, up 0.8 per cent. The Euro Stokes 600, which includes 600 of the largest European companies, is still at a record high of 480 points.
“It’s impressive how quickly stock exchanges are shaking off negative news at the moment,” said Thomas Altman, portfolio manager at QC Partners, on the development. “At least part of the good mood from the American floor is now reaching Europe as well. There is still a long way to go to reach the all-time high of 16,000 mark. But at least the record is looking back.”
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