Debate about the concept of home: Saxony-Anhalt – hyphen as identity?

Debate about the concept of home: Saxony-Anhalt - hyphen as identity?

This has also been confirmed by Michael Hatch, head of the Institute for Regional Studies. He, too, is a historian and points out that the house is not just there, but is always the result of a social debate: “Home is a term attributed to a small area of ​​the immediate living environment. And this word. Something Connected to values ​​and ideas that have to be interacted socially. And knowledge of traditions and history plays a part in this. ”

Differences in Saxony-Anhalt are high

Landesheimatbund wants to achieve both with its many committed members. Although the politics of Saxony-Enlot regularly refer to the major historical contributions of the state to German history, there is no nationwide professorship that relates to regional history. The Institute for Regional Studies is considered to compensate for this shortage of space, even though it is in fact only one department in the State Office for Monument Conservation and Archeology.

I believe that differences in Saxony-Enamel are often overpopulated, as they ultimately do not amount to much compared to other federal states.

Michael hatch
Regional studies institute

Michael Hecht raises expectations in other ways as well: “As a regional historian, it is not our job to be an identity builder, that is, to tell people what they recognize. Germany, you see that there’s an identity community.” Have evolved over time. In this regard, one can make an optimistic forecast for Saxony-Enault. ”

What is home – Argument with risk

Of course, the debate about a concept of home is not without risk, especially in such confusing times as the present, when suddenly many developments intersect and a new sense of confusion rises. Under such conditions, seeing one’s own, what is fundamental and what is not questionable can lead to exclusion, says Michael Hatch: “In the early twentieth century and then later in the Weimar republic, any clear Can see how the concept is? ” There is bigotry in the house and how is the pride of the house defensively. The foreigner has been added. These are traditions that no longer shape the modern concept of home. But there are always points of contact for a nationalist homeland. ”

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