Deborah James: BBC presenter with cancer knighted by Queen

Deborah James: BBC presenter with cancer knighted by Queen
people Deborah James

‘Time to say goodbye’ – mentally ill BBC presenter knighted by royals

Deborah James 2019.  She was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 when she was just 35 years old Deborah James 2019.  She was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 when she was just 35 years old

Deborah James at a reception in 2019. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2016, when she was just 35 years old

Source: Picture Alliance /

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Her luck rocked British: Five years ago, Deborah James was diagnosed with cancer, now the 40-year-old TV star is preparing to die. Before that, he prepared a last wish for his compatriots – and received a very special visit.

DThe news was shocking and has been making headlines in Great Britain for the past few days: “I never wanted to write this tweet. It’s time to say goodbye. Five years of preparation doesn’t make it easy. I am in hospice home care and spend my time surrounded by my family” – with these words BBC presenter Deborah James announced on 9 May that she had lost her battle with cancer.

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The 40-year-old mother of two has been open about her condition ever since she was first diagnosed with cancer — colon cancer — especially on and through social media. Blog “Bowlebe” He made a name for himself from his fight against the disease.

As a legacy of sorts, James has now launched a fundraising campaign that has been a resounding success: within a short time, James has already (as of Friday morning) four million pounds (4.7 million euros) for cancer research. ) has been collected.

A performance that now also calls Rani on stage. The 96-year-old monarch has named James “Lady”. that informed the British government Late Thursday evening.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Queen’s grandson Prince William and his wife Duchess Kate have previously met Raised voice. he also donated “bowel babe fund” and acknowledged the commitment of a mother of two.

“If there was ever an honor to be deserved, it is this one,” said Johnson, speaking from the heart of many Britons. “Deborah is an inspiration, and her honesty, warmth, and courage are a symbol of strength to many.”

Deborah James was delighted with the high visits to her Instagram account

Deborah James was delighted with the high visits to her Instagram account

Source: DPA

A day later, British media again spread another picture: it showed Prince William with Deborah James, the two sitting together in the garden. It was said that the prince insisted on giving his command to James personally. “Prince William has actually come to our house today!” James later wrote on his Instagram account. She said: “I am so honored that he joined us for afternoon tea and champagne (…)”.

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James has another wish

It is rare for a Queen to make someone a Dame or Knight at short notice. Declaration of honor is usually done at the scheduled time. A “birthday honour” is planned in honor of the Queen’s birthday in early June.

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Deborah James could no longer experience the festivities, as she herself openly admitted: she was out of therapy, her body no longer responding to treatment, she said. according to daily mail in a telephone interview. She is now receiving palliative care in her family and at her parents’ home. James and her husband are themselves parents to two children, Hugo (14) and Eloise (12).

However, he still has goals, James said: he expects his fundraiser to bring in more than five million pounds.

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