Declaration launches against controversial protests – Liechtenstein

Declaration launches against controversial protests - Liechtenstein

At the invitation of his counterpart, Canadian Foreign Minister Mark Gerno, Foreign Minister Caterin Eggenberger attended the virtual launch of the declaration against the use of arbitrary detention in international relations on Monday, 15 February. More than 50 countries participated in the initiative, including Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

The Declaration launched on the initiative of Canada takes a clear stand against the citizens of other countries, so as to pressure the other government to arbitrarily arrest, imprison or be sentenced. Such steps are considered unlawful under international law and states that have subscribed to the declaration express their concern about the continued application of this unlawful practice. Liechtenstein’s support for this announcement matches his long-standing foreign policy commitment to the rule of law and human rights.

“Arbitrary arrest is a serious human rights violation and we are concerned about this practice. It is absolutely unacceptable to pressure other states on such measures.”

Katrin Eigenberger, Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister Katrin Eigenberger and more than 40 other foreign ministers attended the virtual event to launch the announcement.

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