Demo date set – test co-op RPG may be coming soon

Demo date set - test co-op RPG may be coming soon

Square Enix conducted the third Babylon Fall live stream today. Here the publisher announces when the demo version will appear.

Fall of Babylon: Demo date set - co-op RPG to be tested soon

A demo version of Fall of Babylon will be made available to PlayStation players on February 25. Team up with up to three friends a day to try out the full-fledged cooperative action role-playing game. As in most cases, you’ll be able to roll back the progress you’ve made to the full version later.

Free First Premium Battle Pass

In addition to the demo, Square Enix announced a premium Battle Pass for the first season. There is usually a free and paid premium version to choose from. The latter will cost an estimated ten euros and will unlock cosmetic items for you. For this you need Battle Points, which you earn by completing quests. However, in the first season, players are given a paid battle pass as a gift.

A new season begins every three months, which includes Battle Passes and other content. Incidentally, Season One is called “Eternal Tower” and will be rolled out the day the demo is released. A developer stated the last date as May 31.

More news of the fall of Babylon:

Fall of Babylon is out on March 3rd for PS5, PS4 and PC. in both playstation store Also on Steam, the title costs 69.99 euros. A digital deluxe edition is also available for pre-order, giving you three days of early access to the game. Both versions also include 1000 in-game credits, which you can use to purchase future Battle Passes.

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Source: gematsu (via Games Talk)

more news about fall of babylon,

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