Demo in Fürth: Cyclists Pedal to More Freedom – Fürth

Demo in Fürth: Cyclists Pedal to More Freedom - Fürth

– In a bicycle demo in Nuremberger Strasse and Gebhardstrasse, participants campaigned for more climate protection and the consistent implementation of bicycle-friendly traffic routes.

Together rather than against each other”: this was the motto of the Cycle Demo through the city centre, invited by the local ADFC. About 40 participants set off from Freiheit on the so-called “Inner Firth Cycle Ring”, which led to Nuremberger Strasse, Königstrasse, Friedrichstrasse and Gebhardstrasse.

Cyclists covered the route several times with police vehicles. The speeches called for a greater commitment to climate protection and consistent implementation of the climate goals set by the city.

more ideas

In keeping with the motto of the event, ADFC District Association President Olaf Höhne campaigned for greater understanding and consideration among road users. “It is very important to us that motorists as well as cyclists and pedestrians pay more attention to each other. We appeal to everyone to be more considerate.”

Next: Cycle traffic should double

However, according to Hohen, it’s also about driving traffic turnarounds. This is a very important step in the fight against global warming. Car traffic in particular has not yet contributed to climate protection. “On the contrary, emissions have actually increased here,” Hohen said. In particular, the ADFC is calling for the introduction of environmental lanes in Gebhardstrasse and Nürnberger Strasse, “ideally up to the city limits.”

criticism of regression

Fabian Kittel of the Firth Social Forum pointed out that there are already “temporary changes” on the way for Firth to become a climate protection city – this includes reducing the number of car journeys and increasing local public transport accordingly.

But there are also steps backward: Last year the pop-up cycle path was abolished, and recently the city moved away from summer streets already planned after protests by residents. “More important than car-free rooms for young and old are parking spaces for private cars in public spaces,” Kittel criticized.

Fürth wants to remain climate neutral by 2040 at the latest

Luka Schuman of the Left Party youth organization insists that traffic is the only area in Germany that is causing climate pollution – currently about 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. Mobility policy should aim to reduce this ratio to almost zero.

A network suitable for everyday use with sufficiently wide bus and bike lanes on the central traffic axes also contributes to this. In addition, concepts would have to be expanded to cycle roads and sport roads. It also provides space for more greenery, thus allowing roads to become a place for public life again.

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