Democrats begin proceedings: Trump resolves to remove

Democrats begin proceedings: Trump resolves to remove

American Democrats have taken further steps towards the possible impeachment of President Trump. A similar resolution can be voted on in the House of Representatives this week.

After Donald Trump’s supporters attacked the Capitol, Democrats in the US House of Representatives passed a resolution to begin a second impeachment trial against the elected president. Democratic MP Ted Liu said on Twitter. Leu played a leading role in the resolution to remove Trump from office for “inciting unrest”.

Vote in the House of Representatives this week

Democrats control the House of Representatives and can resolve charges against the President with their majority. House Democratic Majority Leader Stany Hoyer said there may be a vote on Wednesday. Then the Senate has to deal with it. A decision there before January 20 is almost impossible.

In addition, Democrats brought a draft appeal before Vice President Mike Pence in the Congressional Chamber to declare Trump incompetent with the cabinet simultaneously. It is expected to be voted on Tuesday.

Two-thirds majority in the Senate is not in sight

Trump will be the first US president in history to have two impeachment proceedings. He leaves office on January 20 with the swearing in of his Democratic successor Joe Biden.

In addition to impeachment, the draft proposal also provides that Trump should be banned from future government offices. This would deny him a possible candidature in 2024. Hence the process of impeachment will be more than a symbolic step for history books.

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A two-thirds majority in the Senate is not necessary to convict Trump, even though resentment about Trump among Republicans is increasing. Also, according to insiders, Vice President Pence does not want to declare Trump incompetent. In the first impeachment trial, Trump was acquitted by Republicans in the Senate in February 2020.

Tagesschau24 reported on the subject on 11 January 2021 at 6:00 pm.

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