Turkey wants to deport at least seven refugees after photos of them eating bananas were shared on social media. Report “Bloomberg”.
The background was another video from Istanbul in which a Turkish citizen complained about a Syrian student. “I can’t eat bananas, you buy a kilo of bananas,” he wrote in it, according to “Bloomberg.”
The economic situation in the country is tense. Inflation was 19.58 per cent in September, and food prices have exploded, especially this year. It also fuels resentment and resentment towards the Turkish refugee policy.
At least seven refugees from Syria are feeling a new difficulty in Turkish refugee policy. As reported by “Bloomberg”It is being said that he was deported from Turkey after sharing pictures of him eating bananas on social media. These images were treated as provocation: “Seven foreign nationals were arrested following investigation of inflammatory social media posts. You should be deported, Turkey’s immigration authority said on Wednesday, according to “Bloomberg”.
According to “Bloomberg”, the background is another video from Istanbul dated October 17, in which Turkish citizens complain that refugees may be more comfortable living on their own given the economic problems in the country. “You live more comfortably. I can’t eat bananas, you buy kilos of bananas,” a Turkish man told a Syrian student in the video. A woman stood by him and complained that Syrians were in their native country Instead of fighting, living splendidly in Turkey.
Groceries nearly 29 percent more expensive than last year
The attitude of the government towards refugees has thus intensified. It was only in October that Turkey announced a change of course that it would not accept more asylum seekers, but instead wanted to begin deportations. This was reported by Deutschlandfunk, among others.. Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world. According to United Nations Refugee Aid There were 4.1 million in December 2020, including more than 3.6 million from Syria and hundreds of thousands from Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. The country has almost the same number of residents of Germany.
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However, the relatively open mood has changed in the times of current economic problems. Inflation had increased significantly, especially in the summer.The prices in September 2021 increased by 19.58 percent as compared to the same month last year. Food prices in particular have exploded: they were up nearly 29 percent from September 2020 levels, As reported by “Tageschau”. The rate of Turkey’s currency lira has already fallen by about 17 percent this year.
According to Bloomberg, the resulting discontent is also fueling criticism of President Erdogan’s refugee policy, particularly the refugee agreement with the European Union. The tragic climax of the growing resentment so far has been the riots in the working class Altindag district of the Turkish capital, Ankara. In August, mobs ransacked Syrian businesses and set cars on fire.
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