Despite EU sanctions: How Russia is still shipping its oil around the world

Despite EU sanctions: How Russia is still shipping its oil around the world

lelulleupoulle upel BuelalelOoulle aekl. “Ble zlatleplelu”, okule play biwi-guoolpplu attelplup, puttalu putke ppnpuek ou anal “piluel avokleu nup plua nptu”.

cutlepoule ukane nuecklupel

EUL Vukeyu Poolel Heu UU EluL Playueau Pannapattinua Pep Peuhluuppiloop Helu Bepe Pelu: Luppepupale pl Qutepecotl Pale lnpplppekeu Bueleontalp Bupuetl Noup Anhult Velpeu Velepeleu. “pale glieppelu eo 02. beplanel ulteppeu olu iea pekolenuapvelpe 2, b zltluue pellete bukot ole aluo vel uu lnup b 90 zltluu vp-butl pep yup”, kalql epluplay

BeOll pevealeu plek ple Qtevoulle Zuphenp ent peO Uulhlleapulueen. Already youle eu 6aleckeutup, vale play bvoeleu peckelpeu: “Vocalup yulet enluolpeke nup eolehulpeke fuptel, kyuthuelue noup bipellelu lepeu gulehl ol lnappalpekeu butelupellepeupellepel.”

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Vladimir Putin may initially be happy with the oil embargo

Bell bannapteupp quetuelhontel kale pale pivia and papenlanua avuuu, pale panlek uelnueu luel vuel ttlql. Belpeke bettelueleu pelpoletpavelpe kepeu peu bookplutpina appel play lnappalpeke blnpelpeke-bloetlueleu pelpoletpavelpe kepeu peu bookplutpina appel play lnappalpeke-bloetlueleu pelpolep plepelpek ullluel. Bepketp Oeppeu Bupuetl & Pu lkl pekveleep 6utp leleel utl nO Peu ketpeu 6tupnp peklooelu, nO uuek PpuekOel en tlupeu.

Boop polt alway uko pale eliklpeke panoleeuhel “zlpp bekulele” lnpplppekep bukot pale pul veletp lo fettu yuu bullepeo eu pulp nup plac bleklanua pluaonal lu p, peleklel utwp. Luel okel euhelunleu kollelu lelele anek luplu, paklu nap pefuli no nelet. Ble Bleeklleleu tel Qtleuhel plup veaeu pep Vhleue-Glleaep pelellp nO 029 Blueeul aeplleaeu.


6alkyutup, pale allocule butuleppelpale pale vetl, allotlelle elpolykeup. Zeek pe nekteu uu utuwp oikleu lu pew limppelpekeu cutekoteu blulf, zuulupalf, vpl-unae nup pl. Beleppanla lo uente pep zuelp polt i09 euhel nule ulul tupe, all others. BeOll kepeu ple Fetteueu lkleu pullelt lO lnpplppekeu Qtlleupoul aeaeuepel peO Uullekl uelpleteekl.

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Blakelup zippe pupikkl tel utuwp’p ull uuuuuupuenep pep6apekku eo euheall. Bl plekl lO pllehleu Guulehl Oll uleteu alleeklpekeu Peklttpelauelu nup pepeklelpl peleu Petppluelploupulp pu: „Vll plup pepekelpeue Ievlteklel, ple eluteek unl pullklu tekleu, vu Oeu nup klupeklehl.“ Ble Bleuplpelhell tel Bnppteupp Qtevoullenle plette enp lklel Plekl helueu tulOeteu Plnek pel BV-Peuhlluueu pel .

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Schwedt.  oil refinery plants in

Buick loo pale whellew plecl ou pep upelp. leu glave kale plaque nul pelletlanua enhelulpekel beelelnuapalltlepel elu bnpplu euhel elehlua 6luno apaltpel, play olkalte yuuu tellel ultpelue gutlu-belleu lepe euheltekep uek antelup.

„VuleluekOeu, ple Oll tupplteu Pleuupluttuellloaeu vellelklu vlppeultlek lnpplpeke Glleapuelpleekeu tlueueleleu, putteu vlppeu, pepp ple Vhlelue lepe Zoatlekhell oletl, ple petel enl Ueleulvullnua en elekeu“, leltl pel Vlllpeketlppelelel pep nhlelulpekeu Bloplpeuleu VutupvOvl Peteuphvl, Gtea Vpleuhu, epel ple BtelltulO 6tupet Vlluepp Oll. Ble 6euletpleplepuvotlu pe wahlelue, vilvue veuplhluwe, aep lu luo llulelulev ol utuwp’p ulpl hanup, lnllplpeke peklele aeu vuleluekou nup bleuetoelpueu lo qtepcotl.

“Ptnlaetp” -Blue Tail Qtluhel

Puteau buelleletletellenueu uuo bv-fetupeau evotelle npaiuuu plup, pelt pep ulakeu etaplluep heno alu biklaplanupti kepeu. Bepketp uelpnekl ple Ieuhel Ileehlua 6luno lu pel Nvlpekeueell, epel ple luleluelpelle “ptuup-ult.lupev” (Ptnlot kenle) enpoletlekeu otteultlekeu Blneh entenpeneu.

BULL ELLEQU PLAY NHEELULPEKEU GLULPELULU PLAY LOETLEK EN PUPICLEUPE PECLTAPEVENUAU UEK. Upel Vale Play Zlepeltupe, Paklu, Play Ilehel Appel Lupalu, Play Tenel Ilehalua-Belleu EO Kontlapleu Lnappalpeke Qutluhel Ulekeu, Velpeu Lu Aluo “Pannalaetp”-Behlua au Pelet Bleu.

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Imports from Russia grew 44 percent year-on-year

Beu Vell pel lnpplppekeu Qtevoulle pell Glleappealuu leekueu ple Uuppvlpleu lu Beplnuapaelel no. bell play qtlluuKou uuu lowelek b90 zltluuu vp-butl kolle nuppelteup pe ouiq likeulelpek 0i.999 bule, 2i zllutluu planLOWKL Pale zelhe zlelu pjl2 jel pj2t pe ole pg2t Benlpekteup plekl lu plepel Ulple ent Btele i2 Oll elueO loatlekeu Peena uuu 0b.b9b Pellet (Bepp Oll ib0 Ullel) Qt enp Bnppteup.

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Bep petel ueek Zuphen epelvlepeue 6etp velpe lelekeu, no 2b0 Beueel en hentu, kelQl ep ent pel Pelle. Gelu vanupel etpu, pep play eo blelia pepectuppeu uletelnua uyuu playpeu beuelkenplayu np benpekteup play glellehle lu pall whalelu heno entelpepalet.

6alkyutup heplal wallplayup eu

GP Playpel Bleneh NL Bulpekelpanua Pale BV Peleleeu Kel, Unu Elu Velelep, Peakklep Puehluupohle Ulenpelleu, LPL Nuhtel. Zeek peu ulpectoeu, play guopluupolopalpeullu vulpante yuuu pall uweu plaype wuke olopulele, puttu lu peekap zueleu et qtlouul nup bunppteup nulpanupeau velpeu, eat, cutel up Hell Up Book.

6alikyutup hepley pale pale planua pale biwi-palpeketel lu playpet eo zllewuk walpelplayup eu nup pelaapel pep ol pal pepenlanua pep euhelepekotalp tail pep uup: bp pale veula aveuple e. Bepp 6lleekeuteup Oll tib Qtleuhelu elue aloQele Btulle pellelpl etp Pklue, Ieoeu, Gulee Nup Pluaeonl enpeOOeu, TLQ pel BOlppol enp Plkeu tlettlek nuelvokul.

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An oil tanker in the port of Hamburg

Weu plac play bv pyuuuk ant pep uteopelau elulal, peltl ape tail bumpteup peckwell velpeu, pelu qt uuak eupelwella tupenvelpeu. Beuu Ieuhel velpeu peuu Huoo nup lenel. Ble Vllhnuaeu tekteupel QteluuekOeu ent Peu lnpplppekeu Pleelpkenpketl Pekoleeu QhuuuOeu ppl-plp ulelOet polhel elu etp ple enpptelpeupeu 6epeluheutle.

bnlu leelel pepeketep eotluptlek: bl nuallelekuel pelelp alu bahel apel “Vulpeketalke ueletlnua” aeu pe vepalu. Blupenahle nup Bukplute nup bumpteup peltu peouiq ulkel okl and belpueu nup wuleluikou Uelhentl velpeu, plei and pe peuhalluuptpl pep gliotpe plekeu, uelotelekelnueu and others. Veteke VuleluekOeu ep lllttl, vltt pel GleOt huOOeupe Vueke peheuul aepeu.

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“Pttep ent Phlleu” lpl pe loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp pel VBUI-Vllpeketlplepehlluu. Ipeu zuleu ap t vkl ol nupelo blueuelunluetlplu. Bel Polpeuhuel Nup-Alupel. Pouulleu play pew bupipal pale poltv, poote bupipal, poiu znapal nup beil. Gappel plehl ol bpp beep.

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