Developer on estimated game time and direction like Souls

Developer on estimated game time and direction like Souls

Neowicz answered a number of questions about the “lies of lies” in a recently published interview. Among other things, he disclosed the play time and explained the desired level of difficulty.

GamingBolt’s editors have a strong influence Interview with Neoiz directed. The Korean development studio is currently working on “P’s Lies”, which features a dark reinterpretation of Pinocchio. In the following lines you can know how long souls role playing game will keep you busy and what is the level of difficulty.

Need to get used to challenging fights

You need about 30 hours for your running – maybe even more. In a recent Test, the first two phases took players five hours, which is quite a long time. According to one developer, the reason for this is the different combat systems that take some time to get used to.

The studio has also commented on the level of difficulty. Neovij first explained the definition of a soul:

“It is not just a simple action style that requires good physical awareness, quick hand movements and general quickness, but also a style that keeps players constantly thinking of the most practical and timely choice. These parts are the true essence of Soul Equal. That’s why we often say that each player’s level continues to rise throughout the process,” explains one employee.

The game theory of “Lies of P” is based exclusively on the experience of the gamer. Before a player tackles a specific challenge, he must always consider an appropriate strategy. Among other things, he can fold arms, strengthen his left arm, and raise up in the classic way.

Just as hard as other Souls games

So far, so good. But how hard should the gaming experience be? As one of the developers shared, “The difficulty will be set on the same level as the popular SoulCycle titles.” Soon after, he said, “P’s Lies will not use the game’s difficulty option.”

So you can expect a classic soul-like experience that will take a lot from you. In this case also the level of difficulty cannot be changed.

More reports on “P of Lies”:

In the rest of the interview, the development team went into detail about the idea behind the game, the gameplay and technical presentation. An article will be online later today.

Lies of Pi is scheduled to release next year.

more news about P. reading of,

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