Developers confirm “New Game Plus” mode and estimated game time

Developers confirm "New Game Plus" mode and estimated game time

As announced today, the “Elden Ring” has reached gold status and will therefore be released next month as planned. In addition, the developers from From Software revealed more about their new work and, among other things, moved into the season of the action role-playing game.

Earlier today, developers from Software announced that their latest work, Elden Ring, has reached gold status and could be released next month as planned.

In addition, the Japanese studio revealed further details about the action role-playing game and confirmed, among other things, the fantasy adventure’s playtime. It is said that players who just want to complete the main quest will be busy in about 20 to 30 hours. On the other hand, if you also want to explore the world of the “Elden Ring” and uncover its secrets, you’ll have to plan more time accordingly.

“This will vary greatly from player to player, but with respect to the goals set during development, the idea is that the main route can be completed in about 30 hours. The game overall is quite extensive and includes several dozen hours and hours of gameplay. But if we’re just talking about the main road, it shouldn’t take much time,” says producer Yasuhiro Kitao.

New Game Plus mode is also part of the game

Kitao also announced that Elden Ring will have a “New Game Plus” mode, giving you the opportunity to try again after successfully completing the campaign and retaining most of your progress and content. “Since the world is so large, the game is designed to be complete without having to experience everything. Some players will prefer to try to explore the entire map for the first time, while others will explore certain areas in the second or subsequent cycles. Will leave to find out,” Kitao said.

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More Elden Ring News,

And further: “It’s technically impossible to reach 100 percent because there are branches at the end, but you can certainly get pretty close.” Elden Ring will be available on February 25, 2022 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One. And Xbox Series X/S will be available.

More details and impressions of the new role-playing game from the creators of “Dark Souls” await you in our topic overview.

more news about elden ring,

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