Fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the new version of Diablo II. It’ll be in September – but you’ll be able to pay in advance thanks to the open beta. Now a special date has been fixed for this.
Blizzard Entertainment now has the long-awaited details on the open beta testing phase on the official website Diablo II: Resurrected Announced before the full version is available on September 23, 2021. The beta will start in August.
Those who pre-order the new version will be the first to get an idea of the many improvements and innovations. They get early access to the beta and can be had on Friday, August 13th starting at 7:00PM German time. From this point on, you can gamble on weekends.
You haven’t ordered the full version yet? Then you have to wait another week before entering the open beta. The opening shot will be given here on August 20th at 7:00 pm.
Which platforms are supported? Basically everyone for whom Diablo II: Resurrection appears, with one exception: The Switch isn’t part of the beta program. If you want to play the title on the Nintendo console, you’ll have to wait until the full version is released. Otherwise the beta will extend to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
Progress in the Early Access beta can be transferred to the freely accessible Open Beta a week later for those who pre-ordered. However, beta advances will not be carried over to a later full version.
What is the material on the board? The first two acts are played. There is no upper level limit, so you can level up diligently. The classes are Paladin and Druid, as well as the Amazon, Barbarian, and Sorcerer classes. Online multiplayer and PvP are also supported.
With a new trailer, Blizzard has announced September 23, 2021, as the release date for Diablo II: Resurrection.
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