Diagnosis by the smell of insects – treatment exercises

Diagnosis by the smell of insects - treatment exercises

success in cancer diagnosis

will be in near future Diagnosis of insect cancer in humans, The latest research results suggest this, as it was possible with the help of insects’ sense of smell and a special sensor different types of oral cavity cancer to recognise.

In a recent study by experts Michigan State University It was investigated whether locusts could identify different types of cancer based on their sense of smell. The results are available on the English language preprint server for Life Sciences.”biorxiv” for reading.

diagnosis of diseases by animals

In the past, animals were trained to detect certain diseases in humans. For example, dogs can smell cancer or COVID-19.

Can insects smell cancer?

now there is one New approach to cancer diagnosis by insects. a so called VOC sensor The insect is based on the neural circuitry of olfaction.

Evidence of cancer in exhaled air

That Metabolic processes are altered in cancer cells, according to the researchers, has already been clearly proven. This is reflected in the structure of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the exhaled air of affected individuals.

The researchers built a new VOC sensor for which an in vivo insect brain was previously combined with an electrophysiology platform. with this
for him, by Composition of Volatile Organic Compounds Individual cell cultures triggered neural olfactory responses in so-called antenna lobe analysis, a brain region in insects.

Insects smell three types of oral cancer

On the one hand, it was possible Three different types of human oral cavity cancer reliably isolated from each other. On the other hand, one to three types of cancer were also enabled by using the sensor Differentiating from a non-cancerous oral cell lineaccording to the team.

Oral cancer classification works reliably

,By evaluating VOC-elicited neuronal responses of cancerous and non-cancerous, we show that the classification of oral cancers based on olfactory neuron response is sensitive and reliable.Researchers report.

It took 250ms to detect cancer

Another advantage is that it is a brain-based approach to detecting cancer. gives results very quicklyonly with the time of detection according to the researchers 250ms lies.

The team also demonstrated that the new method of diagnosing cancer is effective in changing the chemical environment that imitate natural conditions,

,Our brain-based cancer detection system includes a new VOC sensing method that will fuel the development of other advanced technologies for non-invasive cancer detection.‘ summarized the experts. (as)

Author and source information

This text matches the medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and specifications of current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Alexander Farnum, Michael Parnas, Ehsanul Hoque Apu, Alyssa Cox, Noel Lefevre, et al.: Harnessing insect olfactory neural circuits for the non-invasive detection of human cancer; In: BioRxiv (published 05/25/2022), biorxiv

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This article is general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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