Did Boris Johnson order the dog to be removed from Kabul?

Did Boris Johnson order the dog to be removed from Kabul?

When the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 2021, British troops are also said to have taken out the animals. Prime Minister Johnson denied being aware of this. But the two whistleblowers outshine them.

Evidence of direct influence by the British Prime Minister boris johnson In favor of expelling 150 dogs and cats Afghanistan Condensing Britain’s Foreign Office whistleblower told parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Monday London, it was “widespread knowledge” that Johnson’s decision was made. The Prime Minister vehemently denied the allegations.

Josie Stewart said she had seen chat messages, heard debates and was aware of several emails that clearly suggested it. Nigel Casey, Johnson’s special representative for Afghanistan, also did not question it. Earlier, another State Department whistleblower provided an internal email saying the PM had authorized the evacuation of staff and animals.

The evacuation took place in the summer of 2021

Rescuing the Naujad pet of a former soldier with the help of British soldiers during the takeover of Kabul by the animal welfare organization Nauzad Taliban is highly controversial. Critics fear the evacuation was at the cost of those who feared revenge by the militant Islamist Taliban. thousands of people with connections to Great Britain The country was left behind due to a hasty troop withdrawal in the summer of 2021.

Johnson’s special adviser Casey said he found no evidence of the PM’s interference in his emails. Whistleblower Stewart disagreed. Stewart said she received at least one email that contained the words “PM” and “nozad” for prime minister, which was also sent to Casey.

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