“Die Hohle der Leuven”: the most expensive deal of the show – the company is now going public

"Die Hohle der Leuven": the most expensive deal of the show - the company is now going public

After Ralph Dummel sold his company to George Koffler, the pair of lions are now planning the next mega-deal. “Social Chain AG” wants to join DAX.


After Ralph Dummel sold his company to George Koffler, the pair of lions are now planning the next mega-deal. “Social Chain AG” wants to join DAX.

Frankfurt – This was probably the most expensive deal”lion’s den“. Ralph Dummel (54) sold his company “DS Product” from Leuven to his colleague Georg Köffler (64) for 220 million euros. Köffler is the main shareholder and chairman of the supervisory board of “Social-Chain AG”. With the sale, Ralph Dummel is not out of action, but is now on the board of “Social Chain AG” (10 photos that show how much Ralph Dummel suffers if he doesn’t get the deal,

Ralph Dummel (who is with this beautiful presenter) is the company’s Chief Product Officer (CPO) and oversees various areas related to procurement, logistics, sales, product and business marketing. IPPEN.MEDIA REPORT FROM Extratipp.com,

Cave of the Lions: George Koffler and Ralph Dummel Bring “Social Chain AG” to DAX

After announcing that they will cross the billion mark in sales in two years and are looking to create an internationally driven billionaire company in social commerce, the lion pair are now working on their new master plan.

The Plan: Both investors want a “Den of Lions” company in DAX. “Social Chain AG” is to be listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange from 12 November. The company should be listed in Prime Standard early in the morning. There are companies listed there that can move up to the DAX when sales increase.

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Cave of the Lions: Ralph Dummel Rings the Bell at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Ralph Dummel shared a video on Instagram of how he and Georg Köffler ring the bell on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on November 12 at 9am. “I never thought I’d ring the bell one day…”, Sher writes on Instagram. This sounds like a big dream come true for the investor.

Lions Den: Koffler and Dummel want to be a role model for other founders

“In the next five to seven years we want to achieve what no company has so far achieved in ‘Die Hohle der Leuven’ – we want to be involved in DAX! That is why we move forward at DAX Wants to be a role model for many founders and fights his way up little by little”, said Georg Köffler in an interview with BILD.de.

This is not new territory for George Koffler. A few years ago he brought a company to DAX: “With ProSieben, which I founded, I have already been able to do this. And at the time no one could have imagined it,” Vox founder shows said the investor.

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