Different risk factors in men and women? – healing exercises

Different risk factors in men and women?  - healing exercises

Heart disease risk factors in women and men

heart disease Heart attacks and strokes are responsible for a large proportion of all deaths worldwide. In a large international study, researchers now also consider whether risk difference for such diseases women And men Huh.

As published in the magazine “the LancetAccording to an international study published in this study, the risk factors for heart disease in women and men are largely similar. This is the first study to include not only people from high-income countries, but also people from low- and middle-income countries, where the burden of such diseases is highest.

Metabolic, Behavioral and Psychosocial Risk Factors

as a message The global study from Canada’s McMaster University assessed metabolic, behavioral and psychosocial risk factors for heart disease in nearly 156,000 people aged 35 to 70 with no history of heart disease.

Risk factors include: metabolism (such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes), behavioral (smoking and diet) and psychosocial factors (economic status and depression).

people lived 21 countries Low, middle and high income earners on five continents and were observed for an average of ten years.

women have less risk

“Women and men have similar cardiovascular risk factors, emphasizing the importance of a similar strategy.” Redressal of heart disease in men and womenStudy lead author Marjan Wally-Attai, a research associate at McMaster University’s Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) and Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) Hospital Network, said.

Overall, women had less riskyMen are more likely than men to develop heart disease, especially at a young age.

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Although nutrition More strongly linked to cardiovascular risk in women than in men “something that has not been described before and which requires independent confirmation”Study lead investigator Salim Yusuf, senior author, executive director of PHRI, professor of medicine at McMaster University and a cardiologist at HHS.

high value of “bad” (low density fat cholesterol And symptoms of depression were more strongly associated with heart disease risk in men than in women.

The patterns of these results were generally in high- and upper-middle-income countries and in lower-middle and low-income countries. similar, (advertisement)

Author and source information

This text matches the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • McMaster University: Risk factors for heart disease and stroke are largely similar in men and women globally, (Accessed: September 11, 2022), McMaster University
  • Marjan Wali-Atai et al. Metabolic, behavioral and psychosocial risk factors and cardiovascular disease in women compared with men in 21 high-income, middle-income and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study; In: The Lancet, (Published: 09/10/2022), the Lancet

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This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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