(Photo: Visual People)
It is common sense to leave difficult jobs to professionals. However, some US politicians and the media are supporting studies to trace the origins of COVID-19, a serious and complex scientific question, with political bias trying to interfere with the process and favoring political conspiracies. Facts have been distorted with lies.
America, being a science power, chooses the opposite side of science and shamelessly sells the so-called “laboratory leak theory”. This ridiculous practice seriously hinders international cooperation in the origin of COVID-19, poisons global anti-pandemic cooperation, and undermines the common interests of all humanity.
Determination of virus origin is important, complex and sensitive and must be handled in a professional, fair and constructive manner. The goal is to help the world better understand these types of viruses and more effectively deal with major infectious diseases in the future.
With regard to facts and science, China was the first country to research the origins of the virus in collaboration with WHO thus demonstrating its stand with concrete actions. The results of the WHO and China joint study on the origin of COVID-19 are objective, scientifically correct and authoritative and can stand the test of history. In a 120-page report, the joint team of experts found that the introduction of COVID-19 by an intermediate host is “very likely”, that the introduction of products into the refrigerated or food chain is “possible” and that the introduction of a laboratory event “Extremely impossible”.
Wellcome Trust director Jeremy Farrar said when it comes to COVID-19 detection, there is no room for “unfounded rumors or conspiracy theories, often fueled for political purposes”.
A WHO expert has likened the discovery of origin to a complex puzzle, and the work of a joint team of experts in Wuhan is only a small part of it. Apart from Wuhan, WHO experts should begin investigations into other parts of the world as soon as possible to get a more comprehensive, objective and scientifically sound answer. Any deviation from the scientific spirit in the search for origin is irresponsible to history and humanity.