Distressed cash makes costly selling mistake for rare trader

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of: Stella Ruegberg

Daniel Mayer has been a “Bears for Rare” dealer since 2014. Away from the show, he recently launched a huge sales spree. Because he got ready for a deal too early, he lost 10,000 Euros.

Pulheim – You think you got a really good deal, only to find out later that you could have gotten a lot more money from it. Exactly the same experience applies”cash for rare-Dealer Daniel Mayer (49). He got distracted and sold a picture for 15,000 – then he was offered another 10,000 euros.

“Bare for Rare” dealer Daniel Mayer happy with phone’s quick sales

In an Instagram video from the ZDF cult series “Bars for Rare,” Daniel Meyer opens up about the biggest sales mistake he ever made. The 49-year-old antiques dealer on the phone wanted to sell a painting. However, during the conversation, he did not pay full attention, which later became his undoing.

“So you probably don’t want to sell it for 15,000 euros, do you?” the person on the phone asked her. Completely unfazed by the high amount, Daniel Mayer immediately agreed. A big mistake, as it turned out. “Then 30 other calls came in and everyone wanted this photo,” says Daniel Mayer.

All about art dealer Daniel Meyer

Daniel Mayer was born on May 31, 1973 and is now a German art and antiques dealer. He is best known through the ZDF cult series “Bare für Rare”, where he has regularly fought tough bidding battles with other dealers since 2014. Privately, he developed a great passion for collecting Japanese carvings, but Daniel Mayer also has a great interest in antique furniture and paintings.

Source: web.de

Distressed cash makes costly selling mistake for rare trader

But when he had to inform these callers that he had been selling the picture for a long time, the disappointment was immense. Daniel Mayer also regretted his quick sale, as he later received much better offers: “I was really pissed off by it,” explains Daniel. The callers are said to have offered him anywhere from 25,000 to 26,000 euros.

So next time, the Cash for Rare dealer should listen to all offers before making a decision. Off the Show, “Bear for Rare” Dealer Julian Schmitz-Avila Hits the Jackpot, He flaunts his great love online and shares lovely couple pictures. Sources Used: Instagram/baresfuerrares

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