DM threw the products out of scope – customers are angry

DM threw the products out of scope - customers are angry

In future, the range of drugstore DM will be changed. Customers are not liking it at all.

dortmund – that Supermarkets, Discount Stores And as drugstores change their assortment from time to time, it’s not uncommon at first. Stupid only if the products were clearly very popular with customers. He vented his anger on social media because of the change in DM.

Surname d m
founded by goetz werner
Establishment August 28, 1973

DM throws diapers out of scope – customers’ anger on social media

In particular, it is about diapers of the brand “Rascal + Friends”. DM still offers items online, but baby products are no longer available at most branches. At the same time, drugstore supermarkets, like Lidl, Aldi or Edeka, were clearly struggling with delivery problems.

This clearly upsets customers, as can be seen in the DM’s many Facebook posts. Actually, the drugstore just wants to draw attention to new products that have nothing to do with diapers. Yet many customers are venting their anger under different postings.

DM on Facebook: Customers complain about missing diapers

“This is sad, previously withdrawn from store range and no longer even available online. What’s going on there?” Asks a customer under a post by DM. She shares a screenshot from the drugstore’s online shop. On it you can see: diapers from “Rascal + Friends”, which were apparently “no longer available” at the time.

But what is the reason for the change in classification? One customer suspects poor sales figures and defends the drugstore move: “It is logical and unethical in judgment.” On the other hand, DMs do not go into discussions in comments and rest: “Hello dear Maria, we can understand your displeasure. We forward all feedback to responsible colleagues. “

DM has banned a popular diaper brand from its range.

© Uli Deck/DPA

The reason for the high demand in the comments: Customers were clearly very satisfied with the diapers. One Facebook user describes: “These are the best diapers I’ve had in years.” Another also speaks of disappointment as the Pampers option is not always available. Still, the DM has to deal with empty shelves at the moment. The reason for this is restrictions on certain ingredients.

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Diapers again available from DM: Gives in drugstore

But in the meantime most customers can heave a sigh of relief: currently (as of March 3) diapers are again available in most sizes in the DM Online shop. A response to the flood of comments that have reached Discounter? So far no clear statement has come from the company.

Perhaps, like Ikea, the drugstore struggled with delivery constraints. Under a comment, the DM clarifies: “Size 2 will be available online in about 8 weeks and other sizes will arrive little by little. Unfortunately, however, it is not possible to give an exact indication of when they may be re-ordered.” Is.”

List of Rubrics: © Uli Deck/dpa

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