“Do You Think Fun?”: Does Barbara Schönberger Bury the Cult Show?

"Do You Think Fun?": Does Barbara Schönberger Bury the Cult Show?

Over the weekend, Barbara Schönberger played “Do You Think Fun?” in prime time. of “Special”. Veerena and Ronnie see the summer issue and are horrified.

If Saturday night is primetime “Do you think it’s fun?” Ran, once more than 20 million people sat in front of the television. A few decades later, only two million people tuned in. That’s what happened last weekend when Fun Format’s new presenter Barbara Schönberger presented the summer edition. Everything was provided with additional “specials”.

But the old “VSS” behind this “special”? There was nothing more than clips and canned laughter. The lukewarm thigh slaps were enriched by Schönberger’s comments.

In the current episode of the NTV podcast “Dit and Date and Dietrich”, Verena and Ronnie “Do you think it’s fun?” Let’s talk about Kota disaster. For example, media portals quota meter Long pending question: “Does Schönberger think of ‘do you think fun?’ harm the category?”. The hosts go a step further and are of the opinion that Barbara Schönberger’s permanent presence on German television will be the nail in the coffin for an already dusty format in the long run.

Ditt and Dutt and Dietrich

Which celebrity got in trouble again? What political thing went wrong? Which garbage TV inspires cultural engagement as well? Welcome to “Ditt & Datt & Dittrich” – the live podcast by ntv columnist Verena Maria Dietrich and her caretaker Ronnie of Squirrel Street. Every Tuesday there is a lively panel discussion on contemporary topics that pertain to all of us. From reality TV to social politics to culture: a critical and humorous entertainment balancing act.

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All episodes can be found in NTV AppFeather audio now, amazon music, Apple Podcasts, google podcasts And Spotify, For all other podcast apps, you can use rss feed Use.

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