Dobermansdorf – Demolition Festival takes place all over the world

Dobermansdorf - Demolition Festival takes place all over the world

“The project will be a brand ambassador,” says architect Marcus Spitzbart, who is confident about what will be built on the Dobermansdorfer Hauptstrasse in the next few months. Last Friday, a demolition party took place at the Weinworm estate, which opened the door for the new “wine area”. marked the beginning of the groundbreaking ceremony.

This will be the new sales room, the new tasting room and the new Venworms office. “It will be the centerpiece of our future,” says Lisa Weinwurm of the project, which should be ready in spring 2022. Until then, “a lot of love, strength, energy and capital” will have been invested.

The winning couple just didn’t want to let the excavator open. The previous generation laid the foundation for today’s success. So three artists were invited to be immortalized on the old building with temporary art.

Image of female artists depicting demolition and construction

“In the beginning we talked about the 3 by 3 meter picture,” says Anita Birbaum, looking at the colorful wall behind her, which eventually became one. The work shows demolition, but also departure. Modern street art began with one of the artists pouring paint into one of his old vineyard syringes and spraying it on the wall. So in art too, the old tradition is combined with the modern.

Another peculiarity of the whole thing: several bottles of wine were integrated into the work of art, “so that something remained”. They served as souvenirs for the guests of the demolition party.

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Colorful demolition parts are integrated into the new building

The idea to add parts of a broken colored wall to the new building came from Florian Menx, managing director of the agency’s advertising sector. The suggestion made the builder laugh – and sweat.

In addition to the gratitude they feel for past generations, “our philosophy for wine must also be reflected”, says winemaker George Weinworm. Dobermansdorf’s wines can now be found all over the world, which is why “the whole world should feel like home with us,” he insists.

“We’re not creating anything weird here,” Gotye insisted. The new building was shaped by the influence of the winemaker couple. With glass and metal, he emphasizes the winery’s traditional walls, which the existing street would meet in the village. “Closed has been replaced by transparent.”

Communication should be generated through bright and open structures. A point that is very important to the Weinworms: “The wine sector should provide space not only to us, but also to the people of the area,” the mother of three speaks of an event location.

To realize their vision, Weinwurms rely on the interdisciplinary team of “Spitzbart + Partners” and “Agentur Verberich”, an experienced team of architects, designers and branding experts who all have the big picture. “We don’t have a purely academic approach to this project, the sentiments should be clear,” Spitzbart stressed.

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