Donald Trump admits for the first time: Health problems could stop him in 2024

Donald Trump admits for the first time: Health problems could stop him in 2024
  • Daniel Dillman

    FromDaniel Dillman

    To draw conclusions

For the first time ever, Donald Trump acknowledged that the 2024 candidacy may be too much for him. But his slogan was already ready.

Washington – Is he running again or not? So far, Donald Trump has made a big secret of his plans for the 2024 presidential candidacy. In an exclusive interview with US news website Real Clear Politics, the elected US president talks again about his political ambitions – But this time there was doubt.

According to Donald Trump, these are mainly related to his health condition. The now 75-year-old New Yorker says repeatedly about how fit he is for his age and how well his brain is still working – allegedly to the contrary. Joe Biden. But not even a Donald Trump knows what the future holds. Health may eventually hinder their re-election activities.

“You get a call from your doctor and that’s the end. This stuff happens; hopefully it doesn’t,” Trump said. Words that seem almost human to him, which he probably saw himself, and added: “I just had a medical checkup and the result was great.” Still, Trump also had to say: “Politics is a crazy world,” in which you can never really know what’s going on.

Donald Trump: 2024 candidacy definitely won’t succeed

In this crazy world, it’s not even sure whether Republicans will really trust Donald Trump again for the presidential nomination. Other prominent names like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or his Texas counterpart Greg Abbott have long been doing the rounds. But on all these advances the potential candidacy of Donald Trump hangs like the sword of Damocles, without whose support hardly a candidate would win.

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For this reason alone, many in the conservative environment are afraid to apply anew by the former real estate agent and politician of today. Among them is Stephanie Grisham, a longtime employee and former press spokeswoman for Donald Trump. “I fear he will run for president in 2024,” she told the German news agency DPA in an interview with American television.

Grisham recently published an exposé book about his time in the White House, in which he settled accounts not only with Donald but with half of his family, including wife Melania Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump. He wrote the book to “educate the public in every way possible about behavior in the White House”. (Donald Trump, ANM D. Redd.) Run again in 2024. If he succeeds, he will use the full four years to avenge his political opponents, something Grisham is sure of.

“Make America Great Again, Again” – Donald Trump Already Has a Slogan for 2024

But his state of health may ultimately be the reason for no candidacy. Another former colleague of Donald Trump is also suspicious of this. Omarosa Manigault also recently wrote a book about her time in Washington DC. Along with Donald Trump and the former contestant of her reality show “The Apprentice,” Trump has made serious allegations against Trump in the past and accused him of, among other things, blatantly racist insults.

In her book, of course, she hardly leaves good (blonde) hair on Donald. In an interview with US broadcaster MSNB, Manigault said of his former boss: “Donald Trump should be honest with the American people and talk about his health. Because I don’t think he will run in 2024.” “

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Whatever may come and whomever Republicans will send into a duel with Democrats: Donald Trump is certain that he will “make people very, very happy”. He emphasized this point in the said interview. Should he compete, he already has a slogan. “Make America Great Again, Again.” After all, he has already made the USA great. But then Joe Biden came along, he broke everything. Now Trump again, who does the best. again. (Daniel Dillman)

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