Dortmund-Ost in the rustic area: a cautious start with church services announced from March 1

Dortmund-Ost in the rustic area: a cautious start with church services announced from March 1

On behalf of the parish councils, the parish council and pastoral team, Pastor Lazer Keight of Dortmund-Ost, head of the pastoral area, announced the “cautious beginning of worship from the first March” for four Catholic dishes at the pastor, Brackel, Esselon, Nuresseln. And Wicked.

The Federation of Municipalities is thus gradually reopening schools and daycare centers from 22 February onwards, following proposals for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia after the federal Rhine.
However, various protective measures apply:

The number of participants is limited. The following seating restrictions apply: From the divine word in wiked: 60 seats; St. Clemens in Brackel and St. Nicholas von Flue in Neurashelan: 50 places; St. Joseph in Esselon: 40 seats.

Welder Required – Registration Required

For offering church services, a desire to find enough welders is needed. If no welcomer can be found for a service, the service will not be conducted.

For all church services – including workdays – you must register in advance via telephone through the homepage or through the parish offices. You can always register for a service from Monday in the previous week. Example: You can register for all services from 22 February to 1 March to 7 February. The registration deadline is usually two days before a service.
It is mandatory in all churches to wear a medical face mask and disinfect your hands at the entrance. Congratulations are accompanied by singing at all services at the church.

Should the incident value east of Dortmund again cross the 60s and schools are closed in this regard, the range of services will be restricted again.

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“We look forward to celebrating church services again – but of course! For that we need the help of everyone involved,” Pastor Keat concluded.

The logo of Dortmund-Ost, the rustic area of ​​the four Catholic parganas in Brackel, Nuaselan, Esselon and Wicked.
Pastor Ludger Keete, head of the rustic area Dortmund-Ost.

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