At lunchtime on Tuesday, 25 migrants trying to accompany a smuggler to Germany were caught in Görlitz.
gorlitz – Tuesday at lunchtime, in guerlitz 25 migrants were caught who tried to come to Germany with the smuggler. They hid in a van and were caught!
25 people were found in the back of the van. All without valid papers or visa. © Federal Police Inspectorate Ludwigsdorf
NS federal police officer A white van with a Polish license plate is seen in Görritz on Tuesday Poland Crossing the border went to Germany.
They warned the driver with special signs to stop. After this investigation was done in which the officials found 25 people including children behind the van.
According to a police spokesman, 20 Iraqis, three Syrians and two Turks were involved in the flu. Two of the 25 people were women. There are also four children.
According to a local witness, people were very thirsty and the air was already tight.
NS refugees After the inspection was taken to a Federal Police reception center in Ludwigsdorf. Further detection measures follow there.
The driver of the van was provisionally arrested by the authorities. Police initially did not provide any information about age and nationality on Tuesday. He now has to answer the smuggling of foreigners.
The number of illegal entries has been rising steadily since the summer. only on 32 refugees were detained on Monday, am Over the weekend it was over 100.
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