After a good three years, the company’s flagship drugstore is leaving Mueller.
(Photo: Stephen Pick)
Düsseldorf company owner Gunther Helm is leaving drugstore Müller after more than three years. The 43-year-old, who was considered a beacon of hope, is facing “new challenges” and is going “in agreement”, Mueller said Tuesday upon request. that “Manager Magazine” was the first to report on,
Helm debuted in Mueller in 2019. The task is considered challenging. The purported successor to the company’s founder and chancellor, Irwin Mueller, changed frequently. Müller’s son Reinhardt did not even seem to be the ideal man, he was eventually paid for by his father.
Two years earlier, Helm emphasized in an interview with Handelsblatt how well the collaboration with Müller was going. In fact, the manager was able to pinpoint successes: Germany’s third-largest drugstore chain bought a minority stake in e-commerce start-up NicShops, and the disparate management team managed to catch up digitally with its own app. .
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