DSDS: This is how Selina cheated the jury – TV

DSDS: This is how Selina cheated the jury - TV

His acting was extraordinary…

Candidate Selina Valeria Reichenberg (20) made up the entire jury of the “Deutscheland such den Superstar” (RTL) dance on Saturday evening, but was cut short by her voice. Although not every note was correct for the student, he or she received a recall note.

He has no shortage of musical experience. Selina reports: “I’ve been singing since I was little. I started in fifth grade, then I was in choir class and I was already getting singles and competitions.” Bei DSDS She was most keen on juror Florian Silberesen (40) – Selina likes Schlager.

His performance began with the premiere. Before a 20-year-old woman from Central Franconia could sing a note herself, Silberesen (40) and her colleagues sang for her. Since it was her birthday, the jury worshiped her.

Celina was also able to score with songs of her choice. Instead of an international hit, The Candidate performed the hit “I Don’t Want Chocolate” by Trud Herr. The jury on the song did not stay in its seat for long. There was also singing and dancing behind the podium.

Birthday girl Celina awarded by jury

Birthday girl Celina awarded by jury Photo: Stefan Gregorovius / RTL

The fact that Selina messed up some sounds didn’t detract from the atmosphere of the party. Country star Ilse DeLange (44) could hardly contain her excitement. “It wasn’t perfect, but it was great!” The judges cheered after the no. Hit producer Toby Gad (53) praised: “I really liked the performance. You had fun doing it, and we all danced.” But: “Various, unfortunately, it’s not for me.”

So in the end it was up to Florian Silberesen whether the young singer would progress or not. The entertainer had to think about it for a long time, but then he decided to give her a chance. Their reasoning: “You inspired us! You go on to be remembered.” Probably the best birthday present for Selina.

But her happiness was short-lived: when the three best candidates were selected for the “foreign recall”, she was not among the lucky ones.

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