Due to depression: Sara Kulka sets high limits for her kids

Due to depression: Sara Kulka sets high limits for her kids

whole fridge (30) Health problems also affect how they raise children. The former has been fighting for several months Germany’s Next TopmodelThe candidate suffers from anxiety and depression. After the breakdown in late March, the mother of two had announced a break from the network and did not return to work until May. However, the model still does not consider herself fit. Instead, the blonde is in a “long process” – and it also has consequences for their children Matilda and Annabel. Sarah’s daughters will have to live with more restrictions in the future.

“A lot has changed for my kids at home in the past few months,” the 30-year-old opened up to a long instagram-Post. Although educated Sarah His girls are still bonding and need-oriented, but there are more rules because of their health status. “To maintain my personal boundaries, I always have to say stop long ago and can no longer respond to girls like I used to”, native Polish explained. Earlier, she had the energy and motivation to follow her daughters’ wishes, but now she sometimes lacks them.

but it’s ok how Sarah Insisted. “He is also need-oriented, because I have to look after my own needs and manage the strengths I have”Impressively written. Moreover, she firmly believes that she will soon recover and loosen the reins again.

Sara Kulka with her daughters
Sara Kulka with her kids
Sara Kulka and her daughter in March 2020
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