e-commerce shop earned so much

e-commerce shop earned so much

of Klaus Ludwig
Prime Day 2021 has now become history. Did Amazon Benefit From the Shopping Event? The first occupational figures are now available.

Prime Day is happening on Amazon every year since 2018. Paid subscriptions offer Amazon Prime members one day of exclusively reduced prices for products. This year’s edition took place on Monday and Tuesday this week. According to data from Adobe’s Digital Economy Index, Prime Day in 2021 was also very successful for Amazon. compared to last year Amazon will have 8.7 percent more sales on the first day in 2021 generated.

Prime Day 2021 makes Amazon stock happy

Amazon generated $5.6 billion in sales on June 21, 2021 alone. On the second day of the campaign – at the time the article was created – no data is yet available. The stock exchange reacted positively to Amazon’s data, pushing the stock to a previous record high of $3,552 on Tuesday evening. Even the reopening of stores amid the global coronavirus pandemic hasn’t led to a drop in sales on Amazon Prime Day.

nearby Verdi Union had Amazon Prime Day 2021 The strike was called at seven locations in Verne, Leipzig, Rheinberg, Bad Hersfeld (two shipping centres), Koblenz and Graben. After all, people in Germany are dissatisfied with the 12 euro gross hourly wage and working conditions at Amazon’s shipping centers. Prime customers don’t have to fear delays in their ordered items, as Amazon has shipped orders from other European shipping centers in recent years when it went on strike in Germany.

Also worth reading: Amazon Prime Day: Union calls for strike

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Collection for Amazon Prime Day 2021:

  • Amazon Prime Day 2021 also succeeded in 2021. According to Adobe’s Digital Economy Index, Amazon was able to generate 8.7 percent more sales on the first day of the campaign compared to Prime Day 2020.
  • Amazon shares reacted positively to these numbers, climbing to a previous record high of $3,552.
  • The reopening of stores in the coronavirus pandemic probably had no negative impact on orders on Amazon.

they: shareholder

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