Earth Etherket Interoperability Testing Week



The Ethercat Technology Group (ETG) recently held the first Ethercat Interoperability Testing Week with the aim of providing developers of Ethercat devices the opportunity to improve the interoperability of their products online and gain practical Ethercat knowledge online. In addition, the event itself offered a platform for knowledge exchange between device manufacturers.

As part of a Q&A session and multiple webinars on topics such as the Ethercat Conformance Test Tool (CTT), Ethercat Slave Stack Code (SSC), Ethercat Slave Configuration Interface (SCI) or Security-Over-Ethercat (FSoE) implementation, participants Learn new things about real-time Ethernet technology and deepen their existing knowledge. In addition, device manufacturers had the opportunity to discuss their individual Ethercat implementations directly with ETG experts in a protected room and clarify any open questions about development, differences, and testing.

Of the more than 75 registered participants around the world, many webinars and the fact that the ETG team was present throughout the week were particularly well available to participants for questions and general exchange.

The next etherket interoperability testing week is already being planned. (on the eve)


ETG Headquarters
Ostendstra 196
90482 Nuremberg
Telephone: 0911 54056 20
Fax: 0911 54056 29
Email: [email protected]

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