Easter: control of public places

Easter: control of public places


Persistent severe COV status also determines the Easter weekend. COV measures naturally apply to public places as well and the police therefore monitor compliance with the rules, and not only exclusively on Easter.

At family gatherings, members of a maximum of two households are allowed to come together, require FFP2 masks, and have a two-meter rule – more on this at Easter: How do family reunions work? (2 April, 2021).

On Easter weekends, illegal celebrations in public parks, for example, should be stopped as much as possible. As in the past few days, checks are being issued more intensively in communal courtyards or home gardens.

People respond differently

“The responses to the police investigation are different,” says Anna Fraas of the Graz City Police Command. Therefore, you have both sides and it also depends on when and where the control is done. “Age group and related status also play a role,” says Frase. Whoever is untouchable should expect an order of organ punishment.

50 Ads Maundy on Thursday

Especially in public parks, where many people gather when the weather is good, the past few days often have little understanding of the two-meter distance rule, says Andreas Pichler of the Graz City Police Command: ” A limit was crossed Thursday. A full can of beer was thrown at the patrol car, so to speak, out of the crowd – and this is a limit we neither accept nor tolerate. ” The police operation on Thursday in Maundy ended with 50 reports and a temporary arrest – and police are on duty over Easter (April 2, 2021).

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