Eisbären Berlin bring top scorers from Canada – BZ Berlin

Eisbären Berlin bring top scorers from Canada - BZ Berlin

The 24-year-old Canadian Giovanni Fior is believed to strengthen Isabren Berlin in the German Ice Hockey League in the upcoming season.

The offensive player, who could claim a game in the NHL in his career so far, signed a contract with the capital city for a year.

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As announced by the Polar Bears on Thursday, Fierce should train with the team this Friday and join the team for the Magentasport Cup game against EHC Red Bull Munich on Saturday.

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Sports director Stephen Richter stated that Fiore is a goal giver and is a very good reinforcement for polar bears. The club would have had the opportunity to achieve this in collaboration with the Los Angeles Kings. Fiore, in general, would have played for the Ontario reign in the AHL – the second-largest division in North America, Richter explained.

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