Elchingen / Neu-Ulm: Church provides space for art: verbs on Easter in Thalfingen and Neu-Ulm

Elchingen / Neu-Ulm: Church provides space for art: verbs on Easter in Thalfingen and Neu-Ulm

On Easter, churches at Thalfingen and Neu-Ulm give art a place. Philosophical questions and deep insights into the life of your soul are focused.

While museums have to close again in view of the increasing number of infections, churches can now confront church visitors with art on subjects that have to do with the Easter theme, especially during the Passion and Easter periods. Commissioner of Arts in the Church District of Neuro-Ulm Petruskraik and Tuffingeringer Thamaskirche Jean-Pierre Baird Augsburg, Present two works of art on Easter or during the Easter service, which are visible to visitors until May: In To evade Ulm artist Ditmar H. Herzog shows his installation “Wana ist Jetzt” New ulm A mirror work of art by South Korean Seung-il Chung can be seen from Sunday.

Ulm’s artist Dietmar Herzog: a poem seen in church service

He has been working since 2006 Ulm The living artist and writer Dietmar H. Herzog, who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart and was supported by the Ulm Art Foundation’s “Pro Arte” scholarship, along with writing – and he also writes his own texts. Among his prose texts, dedicated to the symbolism of freshly fallen snow, he produced a 19-line poem – compressed to seven lines – as the foundation for the installation, which will take place from the Easter vigil service in Tefflingen (April 4) , 6 o’clock in the morning). The central question by the poem – on the plywood in Herzog’s handwriting, completely filling the sanctuary’s walls – is a thought-provoking “when is it now?” in the room.

Herzog himself opted for a light blue color for the writing of the poem, setting the notes and underlines to dark blue for the notes he made at the stage of further work. The lines of text are approximately 3.70 meters long and correspond to the angular shape of the sanctuary. Handwriting, as Herzog says, is particularly important to him as a personal and authentic feature of the writer. The installation can be illuminated from behind. Herzog’s work can be seen at St. Thomas Church until 21 May; The day before, Baird is planning a closing show, during which Dittmar H.W. Herzog will talk about the installation in artist talks.

Art installation in New-Ulm Petrusarkhe

The work titled “Art reflects the sky” is already in the Neuro-Ulm Petrusarkhe – Easter It has also been installed by “Seung-il Chung. The mirror work is covered until Easter Sunday and will then be unveiled at 10 a.m. Service. During Easter and until May 20, a cubic meter cube made of wood and mirrors. Will; Seung Il-chung, who was placed in the middle of the church, was born in Seoul in 1979 and lives and works in Munich, where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. South Korean like Herzog, who also works in artistic disciplines Works. Often included in their work. With the cube created in 2011, the South Korean wants to invite you to see for yourself, at the same time the cube depicts the respective room – which room it depends on and it Where it is, it incorporates itself into it. It is only with the effect of the mirror that new perspectives arise.

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