Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood – New Companion System Preview and New Video

Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood - New Companion System Preview and New Video

Is everything new in May? not enough. But this week’s news is about the new companion system to the ESO and the upcoming Blackwood chapter.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Partner System Preview and New Video

After we had two new partners over the last few weeks Miri Allendis And Bastian Hallix Introduced in more detail, now is the time to delve into the basic mechanics behind the companion system.

To unlock even new companions, you must complete the respective forest in the Dark Forest. After that, your collection mates are unlocked for you. They also have their own personalities, backgrounds, and quests, and react differently depending on how you treat their adventures together. Each partner has his own personality and his own trained preferences. Where Bastian may be obviously disappointed if you steal something, Mirri may not care at all or may find it exciting.

They also adapt their equipment (with their own characteristics to suit peers) and choose appropriate skills for coping. You can also customize their appearance by putting them on unlocked costumes and outfits through the collection. You can also choose which mount to use!

The companions are welcome companions, but they are also a real asset in battle and, depending on the chosen role (damage, healing, defense or a mixture of these), they can be the perfect addition to your own playing style. However, they are not powerful like other human players and have no means of changing them.

All other details about the new companion system can be found in the latest articles. Here And Here.

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