Elite Dangerous: Odyssey – PC Alpha begins March 29

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey - PC Alpha begins March 29

Frontier Developments PLC (AIM: FDEV) today announced that the PC Alpha: Odyssey game pack for the highly anticipated Elite will begin on March 29. In anticipation of the exciting new gameplay features Commander Alpha will experience for the first time, Frontier released a video showing an Odyssey mission playthrough that includes gameplay footage from a raid mission.

The video shows a team of three commanders launching a daring raid on a military outpost. Their goal: to shut down the center of power and eventually power the opposing faction.

All three commanders on the raid team are specially equipped for their assigned roles, selected from the wide range of spacesuits, weapons, and equipment available in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Their tactical equipment gives them an advantage in the tasks assigned to them, whether it is precariously maneuvering the base, covering fire in the event of an alarm, hacking or quickly pulling their comrades out of a bind When enemy forces grab them.

Elite Dangerous reaches a new level of depth thanks to the Galaxy’s rich setting and the down-to-earth gameplay of Open Design Odyssey. Beginning the wide scale required for gameplay for walking while maintaining the vast distances measured in light years and the myriad of missions available to players, Odyssey became the already rich world of Elite Dangerous, which would give all commanders Provides a more personalized experience. Enjoy in their own way, in addition to the vast galaxy they may already be exploring.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is coming to PC in late spring 2021, with Alpha starting on March 29. Release 2021 on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One all-in-one game and entertainment system is planned for Fall. Potential PC commanders can pre-order now and gain their access via the upcoming Alpha Steam, To Epic game shop And this Frontier Store to back up.

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For more information, follow Elite Dangerous at Facebook, Twitter, instagram And Youtube. Visit Elite’s Dangerous Official Website elitedangerous.com.

ZAP-Hosting Gamer & Webhosting

Andrea Wich

The crazy person on the team can / should test everything that comes to the fore, even if it is the adventure of Barbie’s great horse (which he would also like to test). If he had been born earlier, he would have made sense in a Monty Python film. Also, as a true Bavarian, he thinks that there are absolutely nothing of hoppy cold drinks.

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