Emotional farewell video by Johannes Huth

Emotional farewell video by Johannes Huth

July 1: Hard farewell to Gary

Heard on “Storm of Love”. gerry richter Since his first appearance almost a year ago absolute fan favorite, Actor Johannes Huth has changed With an emotional message for his fans on Instagram, Reason: Stands for Him sad farewell ahead, Michaela Weingartner, whose marle Gerry had turned his head over the past few weeks, he has last day of shooting, ,Grade farewell scene. parting pain“, explains the actor in his Instagram story and looks at his colleague sadly. Looks like it’s just not for Gerry And marle it’s hard to be you never see you again soon, but also for Johannes and Michaela. as Gerry Fans will know very soon that this has completely faded away.

June 30: Fans have bad doubts

The planned “Storm of Love” summer break has been bugging fans of the telenovela for weeks. Fear: After the summer break, in which the chain replacement is tested, it may “Hurricane” is no longer coming to television screens to return, ARD has kept a low profile so far and does not want to comment on a possible end to the successful series. Although the fans are quite excited. ,Sturm der Liebe’ should be completely gone in the near future. And when Hirschhausen arrives, summer vacation quickly turns into a permanent break.“Whether that will actually happen is of course still in the stars. But if it really needs to be confirmed that the future of the telenovela is in the balance, fans should probably go to the barricades.

June 29: So go Ariane-actress Viola Wedekind

Ariane In recent years, “Storm of Love” has inspired fans to fantasize. this request again and again exhaust Planner – Now they get that. Actress Viola Wedekind explained in an interview with Nico Gutjahr on “WebTalkShow”:

The role was actually planned for only a year, “the wicked witch in fairy tales for adults”, as I like to call her, usually happens. not long term.

people ultimately want the bad guys to be punished and the longer you do “Depending on pranks, the more the anger heats up.” Viola experienced this first hand. This was also seen on the executive floor, where Viola’s contract was actually extended for more than two years. Because there it was said: “We can’t do that anymore, people are very upset.” Viola isn’t crazy about it, though, she is. “I really, really enjoyed it to the end.”

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