End of torture – Canada bans conversion therapy

End of torture - Canada bans conversion therapy

Changing one’s sexual orientation or gender identity with therapy is, firstly, not scientifically possible and secondly, it is already banned in some countries. Canada is now likely to join them.

lower house agrees

Canada’s House of Commons voted unanimously on 1 December to ban it. If minors are affected or if the offender is of family, the prison sentence increases accordingly image for up to three years. The law was proposed by the liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Now the Senate has to approve it. The lower house had already approved the first version of the law in June, but it did not make it through the Senate due to early parliamentary elections. It is not expected that the law will fail again.

a wonderful day

“It’s an important day, um […] To express yourself and understand yourself as you are and as you want to be,” Justice Secretary David Lametti said aloud Reuters, Elderly gay liberals shed tears – for them the vote means an end to abuse. “No one can consent to torture,” said Tourism Minister Randy Boissonault, who is also Trudeau’s special adviser on LGBTI* issues. “It’s a great day for survivors – to know that no one else is going through what they went through.”

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