How can people be?
English police are investigating an incident of unreliable animal cruelty: in Lincoln (just 78 kilometers east of Sheffield), a swan with a black sock was discovered on its head and neck over the weekend. He wandered on the catchwater drain, a moat in the city.
A police statement said: “We believe the sock was intentionally pulled over the head because it was too tight and too little was drawn. This was not an accident! If Hans did not interfere in the rescue, he would either die or die. “
Because the animal was discovered in time, Hans was able to break free from his prediction. Police are now looking for clues for the animal hijackers.
Kate Burris, an investigator with the animal rights group RSPCA: “That thoughtless prank could have easily ended with Hans’s death. Furthermore, it is the breeding season – the action can have serious consequences for the offspring of the animal. “
If criminals or criminals are identified, they face severe penalties: wild birds are protected exclusively in Great Britain and can only be caught or killed with a license. If convicted, animal abusers are jailed for six months and / or heavy fines – upper limits: open!