Epic Games Offers $ 200 Million to Sony for PC Exclusive Games

Epic Games Offers $ 200 Million to Sony for PC Exclusive Games

Of Michael Miskulin
Epic Games has offered Sony a large sum of US $ 200 million, according to leaked documents, Sony should publish four to six first-party games for PC on the Epic Games store. A reply from the Japanese company is still pending.

Publisher Epic Games has apparently offered the company Sony $ 200 million to port four to six first-party games to the PC. This is evident from leaked documents, such as the website DSOGaming Reported. Sony has not turned down the offer and Epic Games is still awaiting the Japanese company’s official response. Should Sony approve the deal, these first-party titles will appear exclusively through the Epic Games Store.

Epic Games was also interested in Nintendo and Microsoft PC Exclusive

According to leaked documents, Epic Games was also interested in releasing first-party games from Nintendo and Microsoft in its stores. However, these schemes do not bear fruit. If you believe epic narratives, the idea of ​​bringing a Nintendo game out to the Epic Games store was more than a daring and ambitious idea. Of course, Nintendo’s past blows the sails of the whole idea. Traditionally, Nintendo games – with few exceptions – always appear on Nintendo’s own platforms. So fans should get the idea out of their heads quickly.

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It looks very similar to Microsoft when it comes to feasibility. Since Microsoft operates its own store for PC apps and games, the company is a direct competitor to Epic with the Epic Games Store. In addition, Phil Spencer (Gaming Boss at Microsoft) and Gab Newell (Valve Boss) meet repeatedly at apparently irregular intervals, presumably suggesting that the relationship between Microsoft and Valve will continue to solidify. It is less likely that Microsoft will cooperate with Valve’s competitor in the case of first-party PC games.

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That: go DSOGaming

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[PLUS] Epic Store vs Steam: Store Battle Royal

PCGH Plus: Exclusive deals, better conditions for developers and free games for defectors: Epic Games are attacking Steam in a big way. So we considered the Challenger closely. The article is from PC Games Hardware 04/2019.
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