EU reactions

EU reactions

Yoursula von der Leyen published a photo on Sunday showing her in front of the Arc de Triomphe behind the scenes in Paris. The president of the European Union Commission did not comment on the federal election, not even the next day. But one can add all kinds of ideas with the picture. Paris now becomes even more important when it comes to the commission’s curriculum. Von der Leyen is indebted to the President of France Emmanuel Macron In her office, he took her out of his hat in July 2019. The fact that von der Leyen was never head of government was compensated by the fact that he had the support of Macron and that everyone knew about his close relationship with the chancellor. He should have called at least once or twice a week. How close relations will be with his successor, it is currently open.

Thomas Gutshkar

Political correspondents for the European Union, NATO and the Benelux countries based in Brussels.

A lot is at stake for von der Leyen, including his own future. In Brussels, many expect she is aiming for a second term from 2024. She could then run as the top candidate of her party family, the Christian-Democratic EPP. Even if the EPP were to become the strongest party again, von der Leyen would have to be nominated by the federal government. It would only be a matter of form if the chancellor was Armin Lasquet.

Europe’s Social Democrats are closer to the Greens than Scholz

Goes Christian Democratic Union But the situation will be different in opposition. Why should the Traffic Light Coalition send a Christian Democrat to Brussels? Of course, this will not be ruled out; It could be part of a bigger deal. Two years earlier, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Root had also allowed Frans Timmermann, the Social Democrats’ top candidate, to become the commission’s first deputy chairman.

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Most actors in Brussels pay close attention to government formation in Berlin, as the next coalition will decide on the German course of European policy. The European Social Democrats saw the performance of the SPD as a sign that the dead are long alive. “The dire predictions for social democracy have turned out to be wrong. Instead, we are seeing a strong surge of support for progressive politics in Europe,” said Iratx García Pérez; The Spaniard leads the group in the European Parliament.

German MP Jens Geier, who heads the SPD group, also read the result as a sign of greater social cushioning for ecological and digital transformation. An SPD-led government will work towards this and “at the same time increase pressure that the Green Deal is implemented,” Geier said. European SPD closer than Greens Olaf Scholzo.

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Christian Democrats were still in a state of shock on Monday, especially as the painstakingly suppressed conflict between the CDU and the CSU erupted again at their committee meetings. It was reported from the CSU party executive that the chairman of the EPP parliamentary group, Manfred Weber, had spoken of “bitter results” and that the CSU would have done better with Söder in Bavaria. It would have been hypocritical, because everyone in Brussels knows that Weber was on Lachette’s side in the struggle for the top candidate. How it is when the union falls below the thirty percentage point, both parties already found out in the 2019 European elections; Together they came to only 28.9 percent.

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