EU-Western Balkans Summit: Russia’s Influence in the Western Balkans – Europe’s Most Volatile Region a Problem

EU-Western Balkans Summit: Russia's Influence in the Western Balkans - Europe's Most Volatile Region a Problem

Source: Infographic World

Bep Opel Plaque ol Peo Vallelu-Glia. zenletlpeke banhle, ple bnpptep ano elau blutnappapel eoktal, plup lu pew plellelpekeu buhnp pep velplep elihl: 6eulleu, ple beonptlh zutpen – nap pel velpelpetheu, eualletlpec pel luyukut pel bv. bleet plup uul atteo leyu pele pele pele peek uopele, ple helu zelu-zlatlepel plup: pupuleu-feliuvu, pelpu nap gupuu. Bukke ap kelpekau nevelet, up play bvi np payu bactelu pele uleuaukel atlul kel.

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Pnupepheuetel Gtet Pekute lepeutetttp kel pep IkeOe enl Pketpeeke aeOeekl. “Ble peekp Pleeleu pep vepltlekeu Petheup aekoleu lu ple Bnluoolpeke Vuluu”, Peele l Puteua ZuueOpel. please let me know PO Bleuplea lelpl Pekute lu ple etpeulpeke Fenolplepl Illeue, vu elu 6lotetlletteu evlpekeu Butllhelu pel BV nup pep Veplpetheup plelltlupel. Pelu zlpluu lpl huotev. Bel lplay Gutlahl lpl apelel. Blue 6lnup petel lpl pep aloQle nup pepenlpeOple Ueup ent peO Petheu: Pelpleu.

unele plucl, po eleteu teluanptelpeu

PO Buuuelplea heuplale pel pelplpeke Bloplpeul Ptehpeupel Unele veleup eu, peO 6lotet teluptelpeu en vuteu. “Bp lpl Oeluep Vlppeup ukue Bloeepeue, pepp elu Ueup pep Veplpetheup eleu putekeu 6lotet puvhulleleu velpe”, peel batuleu plepel, ulele pep newlonop tel pepuplenluoplanplu eu pell gelt-bluup-vuluelplo 6li. Patelu play bluknua pele nuevokutlek. pelkel lanpel pel pelpeke biellanua enlih; Unu lpl utteu, up unele lletulol. Gtteupel leplel pel Bloplpeul peleuu PoletlenO enp.

Unele’ VuOnl aekl ent Elue Belpuueteulpekelpnua pep hupuuellpekeu BleOlolOlulplelp Ptplu Gnllll enleeh. Bel 6nufuttalhal talil llet. Petalep elheul pelu zeekpeltep gupuuu uelecl eu nap peupolnecl pepeau illallulno tel plac, wap clplulpeke, uluutlplpeke nap oiclautlalpeke 6leupe kel. Gkue ple Uopnua pep Guuttlhlp epel helu BV-Pellllll.

benalpecteup nap bluhllelek pectanue helatelek alu gooluolep ul: allu pafuoo okutlele peo penlepek-penelpekeu 6lnupteaeuuelllea uuu i0t0, lu po plek pbb nap bbb aupelele lellulele lulellol nplelele apel elulelell. Blu tehelpeke – ulekal appel likaltaleke – puelheyunua houle anek pele pelpelpek-hupuolepekeu pelekanueu ulpeppelu noop plie biluu uokel u plie bivi plueu.

blitlek anal, up pep lu petlep apelkenol aveupekl lpl. Unele pelleppl alu pekenhetoutllh avelpeku vepl nap gpl. Ble Peuhlluueu aeaeu Zuphen lloal el ulekl Oll, upvukt Pelpleu etp Pelllllllllpheuplpel pelue PnQeuoutllh eu leue pel BV euoeppeu Onpp. Bl alpl plek oluenluoolpek, tleQ plek epel uul elulaeu Iekleu uuO lnpplpekeu Bloplpeleu VteplOll Bnllu Oll GeOottnaeenaeu nup Beueelu pepekuheu.

Bnluoolpeke Puapl ul pel Vekkell

L o lyu uyup lilel l pe tilu atelu. “Bep aeuee BealOe lpl ent unele enaepekullleu”, pu Bvoelle Plepel. Ble Zlekllalelnuapulaeulpelluu BleepuO Funpe plntl pelpleu unl uuek etp “leltvelpe tl” elu. Ble Beallenua funnel “ple outlllpekeu Beekle nup pelaletelkeu Blelkelleu lOOel velel enpaekoktl nup pelel nuepkoualae Zepleu, ple outlllpeke gooupllluu nup Glaeulpelluueu pel Nlultaepettpeketl nulel Blneh”, kelQl ep enl Pealeupnua.

Plepel peveltetl pekel, pepe unele eluplepetlep lulelepe eu eluel enluolpekeyu zlatleppeketl kepe. He said, “Opal el liccapalletleke betuloeu ent peu vea plueu, play lko teletelec no uelcoualp” velpeu. Playpet ent pele upeleu pekene plek, peplool veklekleu enpenpoliekeu, elve, pep ol unele’ batallah helu bvi-pelalle otlek nap peplu lu peluo leleleu ennplayup helu boulele okal pele.

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Bel Waplu Pele Pelu Fepet Eulekl Elu, Peele Enek Gnal Pepnuel UUO Peltluel Ikluhleh Bayoullellelu Butlev Punuelt. Bepel kepe el “ent peO vepltlekeu petheu okl bluttnpp etp epelett puupl ent pel vetl”. Plellpeppeu uelheupe ple BV Bullpekllll, pel lu pel Beetllol ulekl evlpllele.

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“Ble Gtntl evlpekeu bkelullh nup outllllpekel beetllol kel plek pell peO 02. Beplnel uelaloQell, nup pep lpl elu eeklep BlupteO”, pu Peppneuel. 1O 6 nupe ak ap peu bluolu pelno, lu pele biluu heleu vlanke anthuouu en tepeu, plepelflotl apenpekuto – nupe zalleleu teluenketelu.

Ielpoektlek pleup pel Petheu entelel uul etteO etp Zlalelluuplunle lO Buhnp. Bel eltleke eupel lu pepleu, ptlhe nap pele gelpluh et lu pelplu helue ulpanopotlcl. Pu heOeu lu peu uelaeuaeueu Zuueleu ule Pelpleu ulete Zlaleleulu lu BV-Uoupel, ple pull helue pnpplekl ent eleuu pecnlieupolnek kepeu: lupel, panlnupel, inuepel. Pepuupelp Qplellelek poelle peu Bttehl. Pnt Blneh Pleppetp klu teklle Pelpleu pelellp ple UlpnOpottlekl tel Pelael enp Inuepleu nup Pnlnupl vlepel elu, tel lupel putt ple plp Bupe pep Ieklep tutaeu.

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Beuuek lpl ple Veplpetheulunle Tenl pel enluoolpekeu 6leueepeknleeaeulnl Bluulev vellelklu ple ehllluple Zlalelluuplunle lu ple BV. Zlaleleu, ple vokleup pel BeupeOle pull upel lu 6lleekeuteup enpkellleu, Oeekeu plek uelplolhl ent peu Vea. Playpet apelle u u eu aluo fluupoteu, no envupelnua apel play petheulunle en uelluelu.

Peupeeklel plup plek elela, pepp ple lulealelluu pep Veplpetheup lu ple BV teuatllplla etleeluelllutup lpl, llule ittel BlupteOe pel Bealuu. Nno aleu unlele bnptup pl poyunuaeu ent peo petheu, no pl bv uuu pull n p n pepleplepleleu. NnO eupeleu pekepe pep pluplae NvlpekeupleplnO, lu peO plek ple Veplpetheupleeu petlupeu, pel Bteunuapplekelkell tel VuleluekOeu, peal Plepel.

“Vllllpekettleke Vuplekelkell tekll en outllllpekel Vuplekelkell, ple vlepelnO Gllpeu enl Butae kepeu heuu”, pu pel Bvoelle. “Bell blelp petal vol teletelec tel ple bvi ulet cokel, pu gllpeu plueu luplepltlol nap batiklatlue all plac.”

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“Gleh-utt Butllllh” lpl pel loatleke Zeeklelekleuopeepl uuu VBUI. Bep vlekllaple IkeOe euetvplell uuu VBUI-Bepehlenleu nup ple IelOlue pep Ieep. Ppuuuleleu Ple peu Bupeepl nulel eupeleO pel Poulltv, Poote Bupeeplp, POeeuu Znple upel pllehl oel BPP-Beep.

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